Is the Oppo-105 with Modwright modifications

As good as they say it is. I was talking to a dealer today and he said you can't have a state of the art product when you start with crap. He said the Saber DAC's were junk and I'd be wasting my money doing the Modwright upgrades. On the other hand I have heard people rave about it. What is your take on this player and the Modwright upgrades? Am I better off buying a high-end used CD player without a warranty. I like the Idea of a modded player but I don't want to be disappointed and take a big loss.
fwiw, i've not heard the 105 w/ modwright mods. but my modwright 5400 is a wonderful player, and i do not regret for one moment having bought it. its in a reference rig (if you'd call my rig reference-caliber).
that said, when i compared it to the K01 and the P02/D02 by esoteric (i reviewed the latter), they were handily better. sorry JWM, it wasn't close. while i'd have never traded the MW5400 for the X-series players, the K01& P/D02 esoteric players are amazing (i've not heard the K03 or lower). so lets not pretend the MW is the best out there; its just a remarkable performer for the $$, and tough to improve on without throwing in another $10k...
You ask if you'd be better off buying a used CD player
I guess if you don't need or want DVD-A, SACD, Bluray audio or a Dac a used CD player may be the ticket for you
I just ordered the EVS modded Oppo 105
Will let you know how it does against my Ayon CD-2 and my EasterN Electric mini max plus
Taters go to the Audiocircle website and look up modright and then Oppo 105. There you will see my comparison to the 95 and 105. I am in Michigan so you are welcome anytime. Abruce I never heard an EVS mod so I can't comment.
Someone in Southern California must have a player I can listen to. I've been a member of Audiogon for 12 years and have perfect feedback. I would extend the courtesy to another member if they had the credentials that I do.