Sony Xa5400 ES vs Cary CD 500 demo

Close enough in price to consider either.
Match with Cary SLI-80 F1 and Merlin VSM speakers.
Both well reviewed for their classes.
Does the Cary really exceed the Sony?
It had been written up as the best solid state up to $5-6000.
I would choose the Sony. First, I have not heard either player, and I am an analog first type of listener. That said, I have listened to two different Cary CDP's and all I can say is that Cary should stick to tubes. The Sony players that I have heard were all better than the Cary's, and I say that as the owner of a Cary SLP-98P F1 preamp.
Yes, I agree with the above post as well. I have also owned a Cary CDP-1 and a CD-308, as well as my current Sony XA5400ES. The Sony was a FAR superior sounding player all around in comparison to either of the Cary units. My CD-308 stopped funtioning after a few years, and the cost to repair it after sending it to Cary was more than the player was worth. They gave me $50 for it as a "parts" unit, which I accepted, for it was worthless to me.
I'd go w/the CD500. I owned the sli80 f-1 for 5 yrs & really enjoyed both the 306/200 & later the 303/300. I briefly tried the 308 & was greatly disappointed w/it's sound & build quality. A local buddy of mine uses the cd500 w/his sli80 & it sounds great. brand synergy can be a good thing. good luck.
I would do the 5400 and look to modwright to get the most out of the unit.