I want to try a different tonearm on my classic

Hello AGONers,

I have been thinking about trying a new tonearm on my classic 1. I beleive I want to try something outside the JMW line. Have any of you VPI users made an upgrade to your tonearm? If so, What make and model tonearm are you getting good results with? I currently have the JMW 10.5 arm with a soundsmith sussuro paua. This combination sound nice and I have been happy with it thus far. I am just curious to see if I cant squeeze more performance out of this cartridge with a different tonearm. Do you guys have any suggestions or should I just stay with the JMW.....

You have to find something with the same spindle to pivot distance that fits in the VPI cutout. The spindle to pivot of the 10.5 is reported to be 250mm. The vinyl engines tonearm database reports two arms that are 250mm, the Opera Audio ST600 10.5" and the Sony PUA-9. You could do further research to see if any modifications are required to the cutout etc.
I think the VPI website is serving up some doubtful info about the 250 MM spindle to pivot distance.

See the 5 year old Vinyl Engine report on VPI's actual geometry numbers for the JMW 10.5i. It's actually 262mm.
