The Trouble with Cartridge Recommendations

I am having an issue with cartridge recommendations. I understand that the best scenario is to test carts in my system with my music in my room. This requires a pretty outstanding relationship with a dealer who has multiple carts on hand. Short of that, is to purchase through a dealer who can recommend a cart and support his recommendation with a fantastic return policy.

Problem is, with the internet at my disposal, I can purchase slightly used carts, demo models, NOS, off shore imports at fractions of the cost of going through a dealer. The up shot is my money goes A LOT further. Problem is, there is no more guaranty that it will suit tastes and existing gear...

Which brings me to this forum and a plead for recommendations based on the collective array of experience.

Let me introduce myself. I have been primarily listening to records for about 15 years and been taking it pretty seriously the last 5-6 years. I love open baffle speakers and well designed tube amps. My friends consistently have very high priced hi fi set ups so I am aware of fantastic analog reproduction. But I need to be more creative with my budget to get the most out of a dollar.

Music tastes are hard pin point. I have about 5-6 records that represent my main tastes and NEED to sound fantastic for me to be happy, the artists are: Nick Drake, Syd Barrett, OutKast, Jesus Lizard, The Dirty Three, and The shangri-las...

My system (which I enjoy and would like to keep as is):
VPI Classic 1 (standard)
PS Audio GCPH (phono stage)
Eico HF81 (fully rebuilt integrated amp)
GR Research V1 (OB speakers with Servo Sub Bass)

My ideal cart throws a huge sound stage with fantastic dynamics. Detailed low end with impact and smooth treble. I like a pinpoint centre image. I can give up the most precise detail and accuracy for pleasure and engagement.

Keeping in mind that I would like to do this on a reasonable budget is key. I will be searching for any deal I can find once I narrow my search. My short list is:
ZYX R100
Dynavector 20x
Benz Glider
Shelter 501 (901)

So thanks for reading this, and please let me know what you all think. I will certainly respond with any further info and I will also try to contribute myself to re-pay the advice I get here.
you can find the Dyna 17d3 for that price and it would be my pick over the 20x.
02-20-13: Srbedard
.......My ideal cart throws a huge sound stage with fantastic dynamics. Detailed low end with impact and smooth treble. I like a pinpoint centre image. I can give up the most precise detail and accuracy for pleasure and engagement.
..........I am currently running a Denon 103 Midas. I love the flavour and I will likely keep this cart forever (bedroom system), but the short falls are now way too obvious for me.

If you like the Denon Midas' qualities, but seek greater clarity, transparency, soundstage size and image precision - then consider getting a SoundSmith ruby cantilever/line contact retip. It will provide all of these things as well as much improved tracking ability.

I only have experience with the Soundsmith's work on the Midas/103R but center image precision (not really a strong point of the stock cartridge) is top notch, in fact quite a bit better than the Ortofon Jubilee in my system. Stage width - which is admirable in the stock cartridge - is ultra wide with the retip with much improved height at the speakers and beyond. Clarity in the depth of field is markedly improved. The treble range has amazing clarity compared to stock. Low end impact is not up with the Jubilee, but improves on stock 103R and moreover has great tactile/informative qualities. Best of all the cartridge retains great tonal body and musical engagement - love the sound of brass instruments with this cartridge.
Something to consider - and a relatively inexpensive option.
Well, Thanks for the help everybody. This was a great exercise and I would hate to prolong this just to continually go over the same ground.

Moving forward I think I will wait a bit for the best deal to come along. My current set up is still fantastic.

My plan is to stick with the Dynavector or the Zyx but to move up the lines to a more mid-priced model rather than a mid-priced entry level. I know with patients, a deal will be found.

Thanks again,
Patience is a virtue that is usually well rewarded, both as a buyer and a seller.

Happy hunting!!
Srbedard, thanks for that, was curious. Love the S-girls.
One of my favorite musical moments was a New Year's day party jam when one of the ladies present decided to sing "Walking in the Sand." We had a great time with that.

They had some fine hits--I never heard any album cuts.