Record cleaning machine or other devices??

Greetings. As my love for vinyl has started all over again, I was wondering what would be a good affordable machine to clean records. So far the only thing I have is an Ortofon brush and it does OK. Thanks and best regards to everyone.
If you in it, (vinyl) for the long haul, I would recommend
spending the dollars up front on a VPI HW-16.5. If you buy a
cheaper unit, it probably won't last as long and you'll just
end up buying the VPI anyway.

I've had mine for over 30 years and it has cleaned thousands
and thousands and thousands of records. Best investment I
have ever made in audio...
Ditto Mofimadness. VPI HW-16.5 is the way to go. I have it for over 25 years and it is still running.
Yes VPI or Clearaudio. I tried steam cleaning and I did not notice anything. I just got the Audiodesk cleaner as well.
Don't overlook the Spin-Clean. I just got one and find it pretty handy for batch cleaning. You probably don't want to fill the reservoir every time you have just a singel record to clean.