Classic Records Vinyl

When I see 2. Hand pricing for their records I wonder why they went out of business. Hobson was one of the very few ones who looked for real quality (Mastering) but what happened that he decided to stop that after all those years? Does anyone know?
Nothing is treasured until it is gone.
Also they went under before the current boom.
If they could have stuck it out, they would probably be doing well now.
Most certainly it would have been a money crunch. When you are nearly broke is better to get out than wait until forced out.
Chad Kassem’s Acoustic Sounds has purchased audiophile industry leader Classic Records.
The last information I got was from 2010 (I think) where M. Hobson wrote, that his licenses (I think he meant the classical Living Stereos) run out...but he started Pop, Jazz, Rock reissues (Led Zeppelin for example) which sold pretty good I think...also he launched Clarity Vinyl...a really outstanding I still wonder....

Hobson's departure from the scene was a surprise, certainly a lose to many.
Whatever the reasons I hope it was all positive for him, I treasure many of my Classic re-issues.