Separate playbacks for vinyl, cd?

In the quest to get the best playback within my means, it occurred to me that I should consider two separate systems, one dedicated to vinyl, the other to cd/digital. Through research and experience, it is my opinion that the components heirarchy in respective medias is different enough as to justify investing in two systems. Analog being focused on the source to output and digital having a greater emphasis on the amps and speakers. Several years ago I inherited a late 80's LP 12, w Ittok arm, in great condition. It was/is the nicest piece I've ever owned. I have built a system around mostly second hand components: Conrad Johnson pv2ar pre amp, McIntosh 754 amp, Monitor Audio silver speakers, Marantz BD7004 CD/Bluray player, Audioquest interconnects and speaker cables. I switch between an Ortofon Red, Ortofon MC3 and Linn K5 carts.
I'm thinking about a dedicated phono stage that has a good mc option into a good quality tube amp, upgrading all the cables and connectors for the vinyl, and keeping the CJ and Mc and upgrading speakers that better suit digital.
Any input from y'all on this. ? Another driving factor in this curiosity is the signal gain, vinyl being soo low and digital being soo hot. Looking forward to feedback, set up advise (want to keep it in same room, where I have deadening material and have speaker placement in optimal locations) , components recommendations etc.....thanks!
I found a happy medium in my setup...

I use a solid state integrated amplifier to power a turntable and solid state phono stage combination and a CD player and tube buffer stage combination. The warmth of the analog is maintained without the need for tubes and the exactness of the digital is warmed by the coloration of the tube buffer. Plus, the tube buffer stage allows me to attentuate the CD output so that the signals from both analog and digital are right in the sweet spot of the power band of the integrated. And, I can switch between analog and digital without having to make big adjustments for volume on the integrated amp.

I have commercial CD versions of some of my LPs that are well mastered (comparable sonic qualities between LP and CD) and switching between the CD and the LP while playing both (VERY closely syncronized and volume matched) you'd be hard pressed during casual listening to tell which is which.

Bottom line: If you select components that are carefully matched to create the sound you prefer, you should be happy listening to either LPs or CDs without the need for separate systems. Getting a good quality phono stage is a great start.

Thanks for your input and a lot of it makes sense. My set up sounds really good right now, maybe I will play around w tube combos in the line stage of the pre amp, too lessen the harshness and lower the gain. I listen to vinyl 80 % of the time, and those tubes in the line stage just glow and hardly ever get used.
The best audiophile thing I ever did was to move to multiple systems. Could I get "better" sound by putting all my funds and efforts into a single system? Sure, but I get more enjoyment from multiple systems. Rather than be stuck with just one system and one type of sound I can pick and choose how I want my music reproduced. I can do 60s vintage tubes and horns, 70s style Japanese solid state with New England sound acoustic suspension, late 90s full range British monitor, or I can listen to the main system with its more modern sound. If I had put everything into a single system I would just have more of the same. Maybe I'd have a D-03 rather than the 05, or move up a notch on the Rowland line, etc. That's nice, but it's not for everyone. Fill in the blank, Variety is the spice of ______.