Cartridge for punk, rock, emo, indie?

Hi everyone, I have a Denon DP-300F turntable. Unsure of the tonearm mass.

My budget is 150$, and I'm currently looking at the Denon DL-110 (leaning towards this one), Audio Technia AT 120E, Grado Red Prestige, Ortofon 2M Red, Sumiko Pearl, and others. I already tried the Shure M97XE a couple years ago, and felt that it was too dull.

thank you!
AT 120E

Audio-Technica carts are best for rock, punk, heavy metal, etc, imo.
Rock is about MONEY. A song is pumped up to blast thru on a car radio because that's where most stuff gets sold and they don't want you going any further on the dial.
Also. most rock "artists" have little to no taste and what they do have is bad.
Accuracy is, of course, a fiction generally used to make those who use the term comfortable with their buying decisions.

I think that the cream has risen to the surface, either the DL-110 or the AT120E. The later may give you some greater drive as it has a higher output voltage at the expense of sounding a bit less smooth, which may be a very good thing for your preferred genre of music.
When I say rock, I don't necessarily mean the rock that's the on the radio. Most of the stuff I like is either punk (which falls under the blanket term "rock), indie pop, folk rock, etc. Some of it is highly detailed as well. Regarding the comment about money, very few of the bands I like have ever made it on the radio, and some of them work their asses off for months just to afford touring, so I don't see where you're coming from with that.

Thank you to everyone who made suggestions. I appreciate it.