Transparent Musicwave Reference speaker cable

Hi Guys
I have a set of these cable with a low serial number -0816
this i assume is a mid 90's set ?
I use a Musical Fidelity Kw - 500 with Marantz Sa-11s1 cd player , Triangle Lyrr speakers and Kimber Select Ks 1011 interconnect. The sound is very accurate but seems that the dynamics seem a bit compressed as if the follow through of a drum hit is held in a force field , i tried another pair of all copper basic speaker cable and the result was that the dynamic impact returned but also less clear/accurate.
The Triangle Lyrr speakers are near new and i have read that break in can be a long process but the change in dynamic sound when i tried the other copper cable ( just cheap cable from a electronics store $4.00 per meter ) made me think its isolated to the Transparent Music Wave Reference ? it appears from the Transparent site that i have a early model set as there is a xl model as well . I am new to Transparent and love this cable , i could not afford new so second had was a nice way to go. Anyone have some info on the sonic signature of earlier Transpaent Reference cables ?

Hi, I'd email Transparent with your serial #'s. Those networks have settings at certain levels (like your reference)...if your using a model built for tube amp and your using solid state...some things won't sound right...

Sorry to ask this...but the Transparent cables are you have the arrows on the networks pointing in the right way? (towards the speakers?)

Also, I'd be careful making a conclusion before something is fully broken may change and you like it the other way better soon...
Hi Guys
Thanks for the reply's and info , i checked the cable and the arrows are pointing in the direction towards the speaker , one thing i did leave out is that due to the spade connectors being to large to attach to my speaker posts i have had to connect screw on banana plugs , i am not sure if the extra connection would have a significant effect on the sound ? The speakers are quite new so i will let them run in for a while and see if the sound changes .

Which sound you want your system to be? That's the most important. Transparent is very good cable for Dynamic, warm and detail but not on all of them. I have a pair Transparent Reference MM and they sound very good to my system.

A friend of mine have very similar system as you have. He bought a pair of MusicWave as well and he put it on the side just after 2 days of used. MusicWave is a lit bit too bright. Specially when you play some of High Vocal Sound, It make you feel sick of the music.

For your system, I thick you should try Harmonic Technology Pro 9 Reference SE cable. It will make dynamic tight base and fix the sound of your KW-500 to be more neutral and soft because what I think Musical Fidelity is too thirsty on the music.

Hope this will help you for the choice.