To splice or not to splice?

I have a mid-fi system (Dynaudio MkII, NAD c320BEE, Canare wires) and recently acquired a 6-foot Audioquest King Cobra cable for next-to-nothing. My first inclination was to cut it up to make a pair of extremely short IC's to replace my pre-to-power amp jumpers and then to make one or two pairs of short IC's for component-to-pre connection.

I have since become aware that the King Cobra has connectors which are welded, not soldered. I'm not concerned about losing value as I have little in the cable and do not plan to sell it. I am concerned with losing a high percentage of sound after splicing and adding standard audio RCA connectors using solder.

I expect a small loss from the process. Am I likely to be disappointed?

Is there anyone here with some experience in this realm?

many thanks,

You can buy few inches short Audioquest jumpers - basically the same thing. Buy Jumpers and sell Cobras.
I don't know if your current system has enough resolution to benefit from all that work. Try using the cable from a source to your NAD and see if it makes a difference over what you are currently using.

Either way, if the choice were mine, I wouldn't cut it. Its a great sounding cable. Just use it in your system the way it is, and enjoy it.
Short interconnects are a mistake. Invariably later on you are pissed that your once great IC are now 2" to damn short to work.
Been there done that.
Short sightedness is a flaw we can all overcome.
Save them. Sooner or p=later you will be glad you did.
Use them even though they may be longer than needed as is. Foget chopping them up. Five years from now you will thank me if you remember it.
Thanks for the swift--and good responses.

Kijanki, I actually was looking at the AQ jumpers for some time before this cable came into view. That's still an option.

Zd, I have compared the KingCobra to the NAD metal jumpers and the difference is obvious, it's a slam dunk. I could hear it, my son could hear it and my wife could hear it. The NAD and Dynaudio speakers (these are not the lower-line Audience series) are that good, at least. As for keeping the cable as-is, I'm not sure what to do with one cable in a two-channel system--or am I missing something here (besides the second cable)?

Elizabeth, I have been thinking about that very thing. But I can make the ultra-short "jumpers" and still have enough left over for a pair of 2.5 foot cables at least. Some of my present cables are 18" and in ten years I haven't had a problem with that. Presently I can get by with one or two pairs much shorter than that with no change in the foreseeable future. And I'm no spring chicken.

again, thanks to all!
Sorry. I didn't realize you only had 1 actual cable. Since were are talking about IC's I just naturally thought one pair. You definitely did the right thing by listening to it and confirming a difference. There's only one thing left for your to do: Chop! Have fun, just watch your fingers.

One last thing. If you are planning to use the 2 original factory terminated RCA terminals, make sure that use use them in the exact same application. For example, if you make a pair of IC's, you'll have to add a connector to each piece. When you use the cable run the like RCA's together and not at opposite ends. Needless to say, if you make more than 1 pair, keep the originals together in 1 pair. Anyway, I'm sure you would have figured all this out yourself, but it doesn't hurt to be careful.