AC cables for Atmasphere MA1s, MP1?

Does anyone have experience with power cords and Atma MA1s and MP1.

I'm currently using SR Telsa Basiks, which was an "OK let's get this puppy up and running". I'm ready to move ahead with better cables.

So, I'm seeking people with experience with cables for Atma products. I will listen to common suggestions by using the Cable Compan, unless Ralph says 'Use this', which I have not been able to get him to do. I just want to know where to start.

Atma-Sphere electronics are demonstrated here with Clarity Cable Vortex power cords. There is no going back.

Dealer disclosure.
I'm using a Tubulus power cable, which is great! It's based on silvered copper conductors and sounds very clean and detailed.
I'm using a Tubulus power cable, which is great! It's based on silvered copper conductors and sounds very clean and detailed.