Tara labs,onyx interconnect

Hi there,can someone gives little information on what to expect with this interconnect.I went crazy again and splashed out.Tara the one,is one of my old time favorites.Thanks in advance.
Brilliant,I haven't used a ground station before,this info will be very helpful,thankyou.The cable could take up to a month to arrive as to where I live,customs and I have a weeks holiday coming up.I will happily give my opinion,when it does.Im sure it will take me to a new level of appreciation,of my favourite music.
@ Jebsmith73, Hi, I am going to run my i/c to earth ground myself!, I know its better, I have not got around to doing it, and I have to come up with a way to run earth ground to my grounding station, Are you running your grounding station to earth ground?, how much of an improvement is it?, Thankyou, and cheers.
@ Misternice, Are you Austalian?, LOL!, You have not hit me with mate yet, what major city are you close to?, Melbourne?, You know the founder of Taralabs is from Australia, He still lives there at times, His R&D for the cables is there, this is where he is finishing up on his new top cables at, thats due before or by march 2014, His name is Mathew Bond, cheers.