Tara labs,onyx interconnect

Hi there,can someone gives little information on what to expect with this interconnect.I went crazy again and splashed out.Tara the one,is one of my old time favorites.Thanks in advance.
@ Misternice, Hi, I did know Plinius was from New Zealand, well, if you like rock-n-roll, I would say a band called Halestorm, their 2009 debut Atlantic records cd, all the songs are good, the band has a real good female singer!, they have a new alblum out now, we will get it soon..,, I would say, eany Taralabs speaker cable from the one on up is a good speaker cable, we just bought their current top power cable the cobalt power cord with the oyaide plugs, I will not get to listen to the power cord untill we get our Krell 700 cx amp back from Krell in october, thats when we pay our final payment for renewing the amp!, cheers.
Thanks for that,i have a wide taste in music,and like to hear new stuff.I'll try and access that album.I've never heard a krell,though lots of good things are said,one day it will happen.At this stage,I'll probably use the master from the cd player and the onyx between pre and amp.Can I ask,what interconnect do you use from the cd player.than you.
@ Misternice, The Taralabs Zero Gold Balanced 1-meter, I only use one i/c period, I run my source direct to amp.,, cheers.
Are you SURE that you shouldn't have a pre-amp of some kind ?
If you run your source to your amp, how do you control the volume. Most Cd Players do not have a volume control... at least to my knowledge ?????
@ Grey9hound, Hi, The Ayon 2s that I am cuurently using has a transformer based volume control, All the cd-players I have had is either digital volume control or analog volume control, the analog volume control units are a pre-amp built into the unit, say like the Ayon 5s player, The 2s that I have is digital volume, what makes it better than most other digital volumes is the fact that the signal goes from the out-put tubes to a transformer on each channel before out-put to the amplifier, esentually a transformer based digital volume control, the result is way better clarity over a pre-amp, you would need to buy a pre-amp over the $10,000.00 price point to better direct to amp!, However it can be done!, cheers.