Tara labs,onyx interconnect

Hi there,can someone gives little information on what to expect with this interconnect.I went crazy again and splashed out.Tara the one,is one of my old time favorites.Thanks in advance.
Thankyou,I think the whole band are good musicians,I bet it sounds great,on a good system.Ill probably get a few of there albums.You mite like,nick cave,latest album,its a good one for the collection.My cable got posted today,a little slow,but its on the way so im happy.
Misternice, Hi, so when do you expect the cable at your house?, are you buying used or new?
Hi,Im watching it tracked,if im lucky,and customs do there thing,late next week.I go on holiday for a week after that so then the week after.I bought second hand,I would have liked the gold,but settled for next best.I've got a few bills on,so that is a good option for me right now.Do you dabble with a bit of vinyl,?,I quite like a bit of analog.Next year I'll fire up the record player again.
@ misternice, I love analog!, I have only been building this main system since 4-2012, I do not even have a powered pre-amp yet, I have to run cd source straight to amp because of the cost of admission of my interconnects, the Tara zero gold is quite exspensive, we are poor!, this will take years to build, not only that, I have found that running direct is suppior to most pre-amps untill you get to over the $10,000.00 dollar mark of pre-amps!, you really need to authenticate your cable with the factory when you recieve it, it should have serial numbers, call Taralabs with the number to do this!, there are counterfiets out there!, once you fully break-in your cable, its off to the races, you will want more of the exsperience of what you bought,Lol!, thats what happened to me, do 400 hours before you give me your impressions of your cable, I do enjoy what you might say of the sound, cheers.
This hobby is bit of an addiction,and can keep you broke.Three people I know have spent between 20 and 30k each on a holiday,lately,and memories are all thats left.A real nice stereo will last a life time,to me thats good value.Im reading a couple of your other posts,interesting reading.Do you know much about a subwoofer cables.Next year I want to introduce one,just to know.Cheers