Tara labs,onyx interconnect

Hi there,can someone gives little information on what to expect with this interconnect.I went crazy again and splashed out.Tara the one,is one of my old time favorites.Thanks in advance.
Hi misternice, good to see you back, I enjoy talking to you, your cable will even get better than what you hear now, 300 hundred hours to 500 hours for total settlement, I am happy to know you are enjoying what you have spent your hard earned cash on!, Happy Listening.
Cheers.Yes back today.All the mids are faster,(listening now.)Oh I forgot,in time I will go for better recordings,I forgot to answer your question.
@ Misternice, Hi, wanted to check with you, Has your cable improved?, what have you been up to?
Hi there keith,not alot happening here mate,busy working.I haven't noticed any changes in the cable yet.Iam moving soon, so room dynamics will change the sound,,Im hoping that will be change for the better.Those cds,should arrive soon,so Im looking forward to those.Hope all is well your side of the world.