Tara labs,onyx interconnect

Hi there,can someone gives little information on what to expect with this interconnect.I went crazy again and splashed out.Tara the one,is one of my old time favorites.Thanks in advance.
@ misternice, Hi, I recieved the cd you sent us today 9-19-13, thankyou, I have not had the chance to listen to it yet, how does the onyx interconnect sound now?, If you have alot of playing time on the interconnect all this time since you got it, The cable should sound to its fullest potential., cheers.
Hi there,how's things.Its good to hear the cd arrived,your one isn't here yet.Im currently looking for a new room,so we'll see how the stereo shapes up there,if I can use it at all,for different reasons.I put a old power cord I had on the cd player,which is much warmer and better bass,less bright,so im looking forward to hearing the sound there,when I can,then let you know.bye for now.
Ok Misternice, let me know when you do get the cd, and your impressions of the recording quality, and if you like the music as well, Happy listening.
Yes,do you have any recommendations on a inter between cd and pre.Maybe tara labs the one.Im happy where the onyx is.cheers
Hi Misternice, Your best cable should be between the pre-amp and the amp, the one would be good between the cd and pre, That surely would save alot of money, the one is a bench mark cable, of course, if you went further up the cable food chain, you would yield better results, really, the one is great for digital to your pre, thats what I would recommend, you got the idea already, go for it, cheers.