Acoustic Progressive Rock

I love progressive rock and I was wondering if any recording existed in an acoustic format, ala "unplugged."
Give any album by the Belgian ''Univers Zero'' a try....hear the song Jack the Ripper on a cold winter night and I'm sure you'll shit your pants
Acoustic Strawbs "Baroque and Roll" is fantastic. Several bands have good "mostly" acoustic songs mixed oin on their albums - including Porcupine Tree, Rennaisance, Illusion, and Mostly Autumn. Anthony Philips stuff is good. While they're not exactly Prog, The Pentangle is all acoustic and I think they appeal to Prog fans. I don't know of any acoustic King Crimson, but if that's what you're looking for try California Guitar Trio - "CG3+2". It has some KC, Yes and similar original material. And if you're looking for Dream Theater - try "An Evening with John Petrucci and Jordan Rudess" - it's live, all instrumental, and "somewhat acoustic".
Univers Zero is so #$$%%@***!!! damn great that even if it did cause the occasional escape of a load i'd still have keep their discs and listen to em'. Alot of acoustic proggy stuff can make you gag and trip over gnomes whilst going for thee cueing arm or remote, (sorry Enid and Flairk fans). Still, there are some highly narcotic (mostly) acoustic prog discs that aren't packed w/bits of green marshmellow clovers:
Uwe Kropinski-Berlin Concert
Richard Johnson/Jud Martindale- Creatures of Habit
Cul de Sac- ECIM
Gary Lucas- Skeleton at the Feast
The Long Hello- 1st two discs (Van der Graaf guys)
Uzva-Tammikuinen Tammela
Ragnarok- 1st 3 discs (all are GREAT!!!)
Radio Chongching/st
Jonas Hellborg- Octave of the Holy Innocents (some of Buckethead's best stuff)
Cheval de Frise- 1st 2 discs
Alamaailman Vasarat-Vasaraasia
Disc two of McGill Manring Stevens "Controlled By Radar" is completely acoustic. It features extraordinary production as well.

Ken Golden