Jazz recommendations?

I am looking for recommendations for smooth piano jazz; something not busy, something to listen to while reading or just sitting calmly still.
you must remember spring bill evens,i agree with peter erskine ecms,as it is,time being,juni,you never know.nice suggestion mnmark,bobo stensons war babies!
You must have a listen to Tord Gustavsen Trio's Changing Places (ECM 1834). Brilliant music making, great sound. You can get a few sample of the record on ECM's website.
Not just piano but vocals plus piano recommendations;
Stacy Kent comes to mind. Any of her collections except perhaps her latest "The Boy Next Door" which I find is leaning towards pop.
Also try her hubby's (Jim Tomlinson) release of "Brazilian Sketches". His sax playing is addictive plus Stacey apppearing in some of the tracks. A marriage made in heaven, I mean the voice & the sax playing too :-).
I recently discovered Dave's True Story "Nature" which is pretty relaxing as well.