Best Guitar CD Recording

I have only Leo Kottke's, "One Guitar No Vocals." I need more well recorded guitar discs. It could be blues, classical, blue grass, or surprise. Any ideas?
Check out Laurence Juber. Fingerstyle player. He has a web site with
samples. You can get his discs at Accoustic music resource on line site.
They also have a bunch of other guitar player CDs that are fantastic.
Talk to Brett at the website, he knows the stuff he carries.
Check out Manuel Barueco on EMI classics.
It's so far my favourite guitar only CD titled

He plays spanish classic guitar with nylon strings. His way of playing guitar is unique. Every note is played with passion and feelings so that the music comes not from fingers but from heart. He's not so technical as Christofer Parkening, but surely outperforms him artistically.

As far as I heard these guitars quite a-bit, I guess the recording is just the way this guitar should sound with no overdubbing or mixing.
John Fahey's Railroad I is a favorite of mine. I agree with Chris on Ry Cooder's Meeting By The River, as well. Also, Muddy Waters Folk Singer is an amazing recording, with lots of great guitar from Muddy and Buddy Guy.

And, while no one would call Charlie Christian's recordings audiophile quality, after the first few bars, you probably won't care.
You can check out the many Windham Hill Guitar offerings. They have many acoustic selections, I own several and recommend them. Just do a "Windham Hill Guitar" search on Amazon and you can choose. You can also p/u some nice guitar work by Joe Pass, a wonderful acoustic guitar legend. Joe Pass "Virtuoso" is highly recommended. Good luck!
Enrique Coria is wonderfully talented. The "Latin Touch"
CD is very highly recommended.