CD player vibration control ..................

What are you using for isolation/vibration control for your CD player.Cones ? Bearing based feet ? Isolation platforms ?
Thanks for your input.
As a complete tweak freak, I have tried most everything I know of. Today I use titanium cones on Aurios pros. These sit on Neuance shelf that is suspended on bubble wrap that then sits on an aluminum shelf. This then sits on a series of Mana racks. The racks sit on sandstone slabs decoupled from the floor with Aurios pres, tungsten balls and Black Diamond Racing "Those Things" (Carbon fiber squares)

If you are interested in the philosophy behind this you can read it in my virtual system isolation post.

Isolation pilosophy

If you think I'm crazy... your right!

Shun Mook GDR, I went through Nordost Pulsar Points Titanium, Symposium 2, Audio Tekne Carbon Blocks, Harmonix and nothing come close to Shun Moook.
Another Neuance.. was surprised at the difference it made. I was firmly in the skeptics corner till then.
It makes a huge difference in my case. Vibration control and acoustic treatment can transorm a system. It's just usually the last thing we think of.
If you read my post that is how i isolate the transport part of my CD player. I took a cigar box and filled it full of sifted sand. I then cut the lid so it sits on top of the sand but is a 1/4 inch from the edges of the box and placed my dual mono outboard power supply on it. I then placed a VPI magic brick on top of the power supply. I use this for my second system since I just purchased a Sony/Modwright player. Haven't had a chance to size up this player yet but will come up with something. Total cost of isolation = 80.00 dollars.