Joan Baez - Do I just not get it?


I'm a relatively young music/audio guy (24). I recently bought a remaster LP of Joan Baez "In Concert" which I've heard is a great album, both musically and soundwise.

This is my first exposure to Joan Baez - and not meant to offend fans... But I could not make it past song two. Now I love singer/songwriter music, and certainly enjoy female vocals and acoustic guitar... but her voice! It is unlistenable! She uses so much vibrato and sounds like a sheep... baaaaaaa... Stevie nicks can at least get away with being a sheep because she has the rock music to keep the attention away... but joan Baez - How do you guys enjoy listening to this stuff? The vibrato is terrible!
Jadem6, that is heavy but true. I especially agree with you that our Government is so concerned about what minority may be offended that the majority no longer have a voice.
Fishboat, I hope by "bring out the best in people" you are referring to the creative use of alternative energy sources?

JD, I'd be happy to chat about architecture. Best if you'll email me separately, I think.

Fishboat - Granted that being a celeb today is just a function of hype, but don't get carried away about the 60's regarding talent- as jadem mentions - Bobby Sherman? How 'bout John Denver? - true talents for sure right? There's plently more where that came from.

The foundations of PC were laid in the 60's. "Everything is beautiful in it's own way, everybody's wonderful, everybody's beautiful, the only reason a person is a loser is because he didn't get all the breaks" and on and on ad nauseum" - it's morphed into what we're seeing today.

How knowing what the generation was about by the year you were born is a fairly absurd way to define the apparent legitimacy of a viewpoint, gee, maybe there's other factors at play NSgarch, like family social structure, education perspectives, peer groups etc. Probably couldn't be right? - guess you have to be an architect to understand sociology eh?

Thanks for your suggestions Fishboat. Hopefully they'll be more useful than your opinions.
While one would hope the alternative energy sources would be popping up I'll have to admit "the best in people" comment was more tongue in cheek(i.e. realistic). We'll see alternative energy applications on the expensive fringes until the oil-cow has been milked for all it's worth & only then will we magically see alternative energies coming out of the woodwork....and guess who will be selling them to you? (hint..where does energy come from today?)

All that being said..I still think John Baez has aged very well. :-)
Blah, blah, blah. Somebody doesn't like Joan Baez. No problem, to each his own, turns into a protracted discussion about the 60s. Don't forget there were people with flat tops in the 60s, definitely a lot more than long hairs. There was good music and bad music just like any other era.