What new music did you get for Christmas?

...I'm enjoying Mary Gauthier's "Mercy Now" at the moment. Highly recommended kind of like a 'dark' Lucinda Williams. Her first CD, "Filth and Fire" is great too. Got a handfull of other new music...I'll add to the thread as I listen to them.

Anyone else get new music they can recommend...?
Kate Bush =Aerial. I love her voice. The only problem is that I listen to the album twice so far and both times i fell asleep. It has a very lush sound that puts me to sleep.

Jackson Browne "Solo acoustic" vol. 1

Great recording, and Browne's intros are informative and funny....
Hey Pehare,

I agree, Jesse Sykes is some good listening.
Just uploaded Reckless Burning onto my iPod again.

Check out Shelley Campbell 'Blue Ridge Reveille" and Caitlin Cary/Thad Cockrell "Begonias" if you haven't already.

Got Ryan Adams "29" for Xmas myself.