What new music did you get for Christmas?

...I'm enjoying Mary Gauthier's "Mercy Now" at the moment. Highly recommended kind of like a 'dark' Lucinda Williams. Her first CD, "Filth and Fire" is great too. Got a handfull of other new music...I'll add to the thread as I listen to them.

Anyone else get new music they can recommend...?
Ray Brown-Soular Energy (Pure Audiophile)LP. This LP will test the limits of your analog system!!

Karrin Allyson-Ballads (Pure Audiophile)LP. Killer Sound!

Karrin Allyson-In Blue (Pure Audiophile)LP. Ditto.

Ben Webster-At the Renaissance (Analogue Productions)

Sonny Rollins-Way Out West (OJC)LP.
Stvncar.. they made an anniversary edition of that??? 25th???

Guess I was young when that came out... still have a copy of it! That and Minutemen double nickels on the dime are some of my fave's from that era..
On LPs
-Norah Jones' Feels like home'- Great sounding recording, good music
-Time out 'Dave Brubeck Quartet' - I had to have for comparison to CD, haven;t got to it yet
-Mediski,Martin and Wood ' End of the World Party'- These guys are good, cool sounding jazz. Excellent recording to work out your system.
- Autechre ' Untilted' Great music, also have on CD.
- Fischerspooner ' The Odeyssey' - great electro clash music.
- MIA 'Arular' -One word ' Wow'
- Boards of Canada's latest- five stars IDM music!!
- Ordered bunch of jazz and classical music from latest releases from Mapleshade and Referenece recordinigs
Some nice recommendations in here. Having listened through my stack a few times now, I'll stick with a strong recommendation for Mary Gauthier's "Mercy Now" as well as Rickie Lee Jones "Naked Songs" (if you are a fan of her music). The latter is a great live acoustic recording of Rickie jamming with just one instrument (guitar or piano). I have to say that as much as I like her earlier work, Kate Bush's new double CD "Aerial" did not grab me. Gone are the theatrical extremes and though I didn't think I might miss them, I do. I can understand why Kevyo fell asleep twice. I've been digging on some old John Denver stuff too. It's like Chris Rock says..."Whatever you were listening to when you first got laid is going to stay with you forever". I got a soft spot in my soul for John Denver. There I said it.
