Which Patricia Barber album floats yer boat?

As far as my knowledge is concerned and from all the reading that I do, “Blood on the tracks” by Bob Dylan is considered to be his best album by far. For Joni Mitchell it is “Blue”. What really amazes me is that there is no general consensus on which album of Patricia Barber is the best. Some prefer “Modern Cool”, some “Companion”, some think “Nightclub” is her best album! I think it is “Café Blue” Why? Cause the two tracks numbered 9 (Too Rich for my blood), and 11 (Nardis) strike a chord in me like no other songs of her. They have the energy which seem to ooze out from the system in spades.

Which album of Patricia Barber floats yer boat and why?
Cafe Blue does it for me. Mythologies has been spinning a lot recently and I really like this piece. Patricia Barber is just an amazing artist.
I think Mythologies is her weakest album. But that's just my opinion. I don't think the band is at full potential on this recording and the music is a bit more commercial than her other records. Lyrics are first rate though....typical PB.
I have all her CDs and like them all, but the Mythologies is my least favorite of hers. I think with this disc she wanted to appeal to a wider crowd and not just her fans.
Quadophile....and I guess Auphile I beg to differ

Perhaps yes it can be considered as more "commercial" in that as opposed to the more open structure of her previous music which I think emphasized "space", space btwn notes, space btwn the players...this time there is a more resolute song structure with tighter playing...the temp shifts at times are dramatic, and though at first it may sound "commercial" in that some of the "beats" used are more of popular music at times, the complexity of interplay remains or even goes further. Guitarist neal alger, previously contributing more in terms of texture & color, here while continuing to do so provides some outstanding solos....he really lets go...I didn't know he could wail like that. On motive trying to appeal to a wider audience, I really don't think so...just consider the lyrics: no....but what she has done is further experiment with some elements of popular music: the key is she really makes it her own. In this sense, this album I actually think is more adventerous than some others of hers...after her initial success, it seemed to me she was getting into a comfort zone and risking becoming repetitive.
Henryhk, very good. I'm glad you like it. And I am also glad that our opinions differ. Otherwise it would be too boring if everyone agreed. :)

I am not saying it is a terrible recording.
It is possibly better than most 2006 records you can buy. I just think that for her, musically, this is a step down. Not a big deal, but still. Happens to everyone sooner or later. I am sure she will reward us with some new and possibly even better music in the next few years.