Minor keys are like spice and alcohol?

Only to be enjoyed by adults as they have a slight edge.

I think about some of my all time favourite pieces new(ish) and very old. All the ones I come back to may even be written in a major key, but the angst, pain, edge, realness (sorry for using such a terrible word, but it worked for Shakespeare) always comes to us via the minor (possibly variation) - usually the minor third or sixth depending if you want to go up or down.

Does it take a little personal pain to "get" this, or just an appreciation of the musical make-up?

I have had one recent track which is (fairly) new bring me to tears which although based in E-Major (guitar based) when pushed ends up in C# minor when they are pressing the emotion buttons. And for such a simple song, it reminds me why I love music so much and how I would like to spend more time with it.
I think you are exactly right. I have had similar thoughts for some time. It is amazing to me how music can convey a sense of emotion, or even a message, without words. I tested this on my wife a couple of years ago by playing various Joe Satriani(thats right, I play guitar) songs and having her try to guess the name. On well over a dozen songs she was able to guess out of the clear blue a title that nearly matched what the song was called. Maybe I should have her pick some lottery numbers too, but I think that music can speak to you if you take the time to listen.