Who is the best classical pianist alive?

Who would you choose as the best classical pianist alive. Mi list include:

Perahia, Zimmerman, Kissin, Ashkenazy, Pletnev, Pollini, Argerich, etc.

But you can add more to this list.

I leaning towards Pollini as the best today. Do you think there is a better one?
My vote goes to Krystian Zimerman. At least he's my favorite of those performing today. I wish he recorded more.
Check out Eldar.
He is 18 and I think he is or will be best pianist alive. Sony records put him on Sony classical but he is playing jazz right now. I saw him live at skullers in Boston with a pianist friend that trained at berkley, He said how can I ever play piano again after seeing what he can do...


I saw Eldar and he is a prodigy at his age, but he certainly has a ways to go to be the best. He's ahead of the game though - very amazing at his age. Plays classical and several forms of jazz, but he's a jazz guy.