musical drummers...who are they ???

the elusive it..... what drummers have it ??

Ringo, John Bonham, Keith Moon, Jeff Porcaro,Anton Fig, Dave Weckl, Vinnie C, can't put my finger on it, but they just play....the music...any thoughts ??
Mick Fleetwood found a way to match a rhythm for every song played by Fleetwood Mac. Subtle but right on. Not the best of all drummers, but one of the best pop drummers ever.
I'm going to have to go with Omar Hakim and Manu Katche. I also would include Jack DeJonette just like the above poster.
Ditto for Watts . . . his biggest influences are guys like Max Roach and the jazz greats.
A strong second on Keith Moon, Steve Gadd, Bill Brufored, actually everyone mentioned, also Paul Thompson, Jim Gordon,Jim Keltner, Daniel Seraphine, Phil Collins(check out Brand X), Mitch Mitchell, Ritchie Hayward, Nick Mason, Terry Bozio, Billy Cobham, Narada Micheal Walden, Lenny White, Johnny Guerin, Jeff Hamilton, Alphonso Mouson, and Keith Moon (yeah I know I already mentioned him but he warrants two more votes). I'm sure I'm missing several.....
Mike Portnoy-Dream Theater!
Neil Peart-Rush,
Simon Phillips-Toto, Jeff Beck, The Who, Judas Priest,
Carl Palmer-Asia, ELP,
Steve Smith-Journey,
John Bonham-Led Zepplin.