Which Vivaldi Four Seasons CD to buy???

OK - I'm a total beginner when it comes to classical music. I'm only recently getting into it because it helps me get through my law school readings and retain the information. The music I normally listen to doesn't really do that.

Anyway, I figure Vivaldi's Four Seasons is a good place to start. (I think that my taste leans towards the Baroque era because I also like Albinoni Adagio). My problem is which Four Seasons CD is the best one in terms of the musician and audiophile quality? There seem to be so many out there... (I think that my father has one by Telarc?)

Most courageous version - Canadian Brass! If you like the Brass Quintet sound, this is a really worthwhile listen. Someone named Arthur Frackenpohl was commissioned to transcribe this for 2 trumbets, French horn, Tuba, and Trombone - and he did a first rate job.

Not the one version to have if you're only having one, but a very refreshing take on a standard.
Hi, there is a plenty of interesting recording around. This is probably the most recorded piece of music. I would go for one of the following ones,: Harnoncourt, Teldec, or Parrott, Virgo Veritas, or Fabio Biondi. Harnoncourt version was probably the first to show that this music how likely was played on orginal instruments. It seems to me that Parrott even more paid attention to play the music as accompanying music for a poem about the four seasons, as an illustrative music. More "life" like effects in the music, more exalted texture. The most exalted, almost I would say in modern way expressionist or "fauve' using a style name borrowed from history of art, recoding of the Four seasons, however, is that of Fabio Biondi. None the less, that exalted version probably what is likely to fit most to Vivaldi's personality and the time. I would stay away 'older' more tradional recording, like that of Marriner, Zubin Mehta, Perlman,e tc which are nice but influenced by playing style of newer times.
If you are buying music so it helps you when you study to retain your teachings than Classical is the way to go. They have done studies and certain classical music increases brain activity condusive to storing knowledge. Mozart was the clear winner but most classical does this. May I suggest Resphegi's Pines of Rome or his more popular Fountains of Rome if you like Vivaldi's 4 seasons.
Does anyone know where to find Opalchip's recommendation:

"Corelli's Concerti Grossi on Nicholas McGegan, Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra Harmonia Mundi HMU 907014 (CD). This was on Stereophile's 1991 Records To Die For list."

I cannot seem to find it anywhere online. I also can't seem to find it on Harmonia's website...


PS The Trevor Pinnock version sounds mighty fine on my systme! Thanks again!
Here's a quote from ArkivMusic.com :

Arcangelo Corelli - Concerto Grosso #5 in Bb op 6, #5 - HMU 907014 from the WGUC Playlist. That recording is out of print, but the exact same performance is available with a different catalog number and is displayed on this page:


According to the website only $5.99, if they really do have it!