Any NEW jazz blues / soul jazz artists....

Ala Turrentine, Donaldson, etc. I have alot of the old guys, and I'm looking some young lions of the 90's/00's. No Hammond organ please!

Thanks, Jeff
for jazz that's fresh and new try Gianluca Petrella...."Indigo 4" cd out on Blue Note....for blues how about Big Mama's Door by Alvin Youngblood Hart??
Larry K.
Ramsey Clark's last two offering were fresh,I mean he ain't a young lion but he still roars with the best of em. Check out Red Holloway Coast to Coast with Dr. Lonnie Smith along for the ride if you want some serious flowing sax.
Jeff Golub. Anything he has done.
Unbelievable guitarist with a real ability to arrange urban jazz/blues that is not smooth jazz garbage.