cello music

I listen to mostly rock and Jazz...but I downloaded a song by Yo Yo Ma on Itunes just to check it out. I loved it. Can someone please recommend some vinyl or cd from this artist or other good cello recordings

For something a bit off of the beaten path, try Ma's traversal of the Finzi Cello Concerto on Lyrita LP SRCS 112, with The Royal Philharmonic conducted by Handley. Heartily recommended and a nice respite from the zillionth reading of the Dvorak Cello Concerto.
Csmithbarc, it would help us offer some suggestions if you would tell us the title and author of the piece of music Yo Yo Ma played that you liked. Then we might be able to direct you to some other that is at least in that same ballpark for you to explore. The repertoire is vast. Also, Ma plays a lot of cross-over. No point in us making recommendations of classical music if what you heard was popular music, jazz, Appalacian, etc.
I happened to see a 2 disc CD set of Yo Yo Ma. It was a best of CD and had excerpts from his many CD's.