Waltz for Debby-Bill Evans Trio

Seems like lately I am slidding this CD in late at night more and more. It has become one of my favorites. You can close your eyes and almost smell the smoke of a jazz club from the 50s and 60s. The waiters clanking glasses in the background is a nice touch to the mood. The music is great. I know this is a revered classic but I was wondering if there were any other recordings of similar ilk, smooth laid back jazz, that anyone might recommend. Are you out there sdcampbell?
Ag insider logo xs@2xhoopster
Hoopster, 3rd shot at the apple ......

Ikarus' post reminded me - I not only totally agree with him, but I would add three other Charlie Haden recordings.

Beyond the Missouri Sky
Land of the Sun
and a duet with Hank Jones 'Steal Away'.

All great late-nite music.

Boy is your plate full now! :-)
I just got "WaltzFor Debby", wonderful. Like you I get a kick out of all the background noise. It's almost like people didn't realise they were taping the show.
Samac (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers)
Have you ever been to the Village Vanguard? If so, you know it's essentially a bar with a dozen or so tables in front, and the bar in the back. I find the chit chat and bottle clanking from the bar area to be extremely distracting, and it's one reason I prefer non-remastered versions of the CD. Too much resolution on the disc forces my attention away from the music and on to the surrounding conversations. How ironic is that?
Yeah, you're pushing that fine line between reality and entertainment.

Can't believe I forgot to mention Roland Kirk - The Inflated Tear. What a performance! Cheers,
Give The Red Garland Trio a listen too. I would recommend the ones where he has a guest artist appear with him though before you go for the full trio sound. Manteca by them with Ray Barreto is one of my faves.
Ditto, I've also been listening to 'Waltz for Debbie' alot lately and it's a standout. Other jazz standouts, IMO, getting playtime in my system recently include: Coleman Hawkins 'The Hawk Relaxes' and 'At ease with Coleman Hawkins', Dexter Gorden 'Ballads', and Wes Montgomery 'Boss Guitar'.