Are there any fans of Dewey and Gerry out there?

Dewey Bunnell and Gerry Beckley of America, that is...

Their two last releases - "Hourglass" and "Human Nature" were terrifc and very well recorded. More recently, their DVD from a performance at the Sydney Opera House was released last week. It is also great both from an audio (DTS)and visual standpoint, IMHO.

Met both of them following live performances in Austin and Houston which was terrific having followed their careers for the past 33 years. (Shows how old I am, I guess.)

Great recordings and great performances, if you like this type of music. I do. How about you?
if you like this type of music

I appreciate your enthusiasm for a favorite artist but what type of music might that be?
Just saw their America concert on a Soundstage HD Concert on Voom HD, and they were flawless!
Dean- you know very well that Dewey and Gerry are Ben and Jerry's midwestern cousins. They make corn liquour, not ice cream.