New Patricia Barber cd "Mythology"

Brand new. It came out today.
Anyone check it out yet? Any opinions?
1markr, you're right...."Mythologies" are you buying it?

There are tracks that were previously heard - "The Moon" from Verse and "Whiteworld" from "A Fortnight in France".

I bought the disc yesterday. Have to listen to it few more times but so far it's a little below my expectations.
I don't think this is as good as she can be. But that's just an initial impression.
Few more listens and this recording may start growing on me...
A1, I'll see what the feedback on the album comes out to be. I currently have a "wanted" for it on, or I might pick it up cheaply on when it shows there. I'm in no hurry to get it...yet.
This disk a a true celebration of the depth of Patricia's talent. Below is the copy on what instigated this music. A Guggenheim Fellowship, how heady is that? And to think, we knew her when...

"In 2003, acclaimed singer-pianist Patricia Barber became the only songwriter ever to be awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship, and she took the opportunity to create one of the most ambitious and affecting works of her career. Embarking on a bold, exciting musical adventure, Barber brings her compositional sophistication to new heights with Mythologies, a song cycle based on Greek mythology where each of the 11 mythological characters in Ovid’s Metamorphoses is fleshed out in music."
taken from
Audphile1, I agree with you %100. She is a extremely talented singer but her choice of songs has my head shaking. Many of the songs are reruns. Cafe Blues had the energy