Your favorite prog rock music? ?

I was just listening to, and burning some CDs for work when I heard "Time and a Word." I started thinking about some of the prog rock I have, but wondered what I should have that I don't have...

I mean music!
WOW Caterham!!! I forgot to mention Robert Wyatt legacy. Matching Mole and so on. How about "Rudy Is Stranger Than Richard", "Rock Bottom" and "Shleep"? True gems!!!!!!!!!
R_burke! You beat me to Ozric Tentacles! :) Here's another great band that came to me, IQ.
Lot of good ones mentioned, but Dream Theater has to be included in my opinion. Probably the most technical of the groups.
Where's Ken Golden ? (he's posted here before). Nice to see Guru Guru and Budgie listed. A vast range of stuff gets labled as prog rock. If you're coming from Yes/Time and a Word. You might like Finnforest, Ragnarok (the Swedish band), PFM (Per un Amico) or early Gryphon. There's an icredible amount of mind altering rock influenced music from A.D.D. Trio to Zu that's worth checking out. It's time to quit your job and get to it.