How's your music library?

When looking through the systems on A-gon, people's music libraries are frequently missing, not shown, or possibly not in the same room. After all the $$$ spent on one's system, I'd like to know what's behind all of this. After all, it is the entire raison d'ĂȘtre for audiomania.

I had a collection of about 200+ LPs that I've recently sold or given away; finally able to emotional divorce myself from the vinyl I started acquiring as a teenager. I began building my CD collection about 15-16 years ago. It's now 636 titles and nearly 700 discs. It spans the globe and periods from the Renaissance though 20th century, BeBop to Acid Jazz, Afro Celt to Zap Mama, and a fair dose of Rock & Pop. Recently, the fastest growing genre has been 20th century music which has surpassed earlier "classical" music but still trailing the Jazz and World sections. A modest collection certainly, and compared to a friend who has a library (unfortunately uncatalogued) of well over 2000 titles, quite modest. He's gotta music library! I suspect there are quite a few other impressive libraries out there. Please tell us.

How's in your music library?
I just updated my system pics to show some of the vinyl that is in my listening room. I still have at least that many more LPs in racks elsewhere in the house. FWIW, I still have and play many LPs that I bought in my teens, including the first one I bought: A Monkees album...
4500+ mint lp's (and covers) 614 sealed lp's 3600+ cd's plus around 800 japanese mini lp cd's.....except for the sealed lp's, i have lost count after the above numbers
I curently have a Denon DP-59L with a Ortofon OM30 on it via an Audio Research PH-1, and a Dual 7000 Golden One, with a Shure V15Vmr via an Audio Research PH-2.
(and a spare new Shure V15Vmr!!)
These TT because they have auto lift at end and a cue function. I totally demand a lift at end, and these are the best I can find that include this feature.
I have about 3000 cds, most of which are digitally encoded and stored on a NAS. My wife greatly appreciates this as it was getting VERY difficult to find space for all of my music. I do keep a small stash of favorite or new cds laying around for critical listening.