The Beatles vs. The Rolling Stones

If you had to choose that one of these groups never existed,which means that all their contributions to popular music never happened which one would it be?
It's fun to read these responses. Along some of the lines mentioned, back in 1965, I believe it was, Dan Ingram, then the 2-6 pm DJ on WABC AM in NY (who also had a very nice jazz show on FM), said on the air that he didn't like the Rolling Stones, he thought they were a cheap imitation of the Beatles, or words to that effect. Within a half hour the station was flooded with calls from irate Stones fans, so much so that Ingram announced on the air that he would run a contest, send him a letter why he should or should not like the Rolling Stones, and he'd give $10 to the best letter for and against. The winner of the pro-Stones crowd was a 7 or so page impassioned letter written by two teen-aged girls; the winner of the anti-Stones letters was one that simply said he shouldn't like the Rolling Stones because they were costing him $20!

The Stones have since grown on me over time, though I admit I sent ol' Dan an anti-Stones letter back then.
If you have not seen the DVD "Hail, HAil Rock and Roll" which documents Keith putting together a band/concert for Chuck Berry , ya should. It shows just how great Keith and Chuck are.
Also, it's almost scary that several times Keith comes off as the "voice of reason".
Weim_boy  (Answers)

I saw that show. Fascinating.
This is not even close - Stones. The Beatles laid the groundword for just about everything you hear on the radio today.
>>I'd take the Stones over the Beatles in a bar brawl<<

NO FAIR!!! Home field advantage.
To me, the Beatles defined a new style of music at the time whereas the Stones followed in a sorta pop way. Enjoyed all when it was new.