The Beatles vs. The Rolling Stones

If you had to choose that one of these groups never existed,which means that all their contributions to popular music never happened which one would it be?
To me, the Beatles defined a new style of music at the time whereas the Stones followed in a sorta pop way. Enjoyed all when it was new.
11-06-06: Audiofeil
>>I'd take the Stones over the Beatles in a bar brawl<<

NO FAIR!!! Home field advantage.
OK. Fair enough. Let's make it a fair fight. On the sidewalk at Abbey Road. Mick can be barefoot. Yoko can't particpate. That'd be five on four.
Throw in Pete Best, and the match is on! The birds can watch, but someone better card Wyman's girl.
If you need to find Mrs. Wyman, I'd suggest the girls department at Harrod's. ;)