LPs, v. iPods - round 1

Controversy! While watching the Yankees beat (finally) the Red Sox yesterday, I saw a great TV ad. A guy fights with his significant other because of the giant stacks of LPs all around the apartment. Clutter, clutter everywhere, nor any place to sit!! She storms out, flinging a record at him.

Next scene … he proceeds to rip every record to an electronic file and loads the files onto what appears to be an iPod in a docking station.

When the girlfriend returns home, all the records are gone and the spotlessly clean apartment is decorated in some sort of post-modern IKEA stuff. Where did the records go? A tag sale? No time for that. Goodwill? Maybe. A dumpster? Most likely.

The punch line of the ad is to buy the vendor’s digital audio product – because low bit rate digital is A-OK – and restore harmonic bliss to your life. The subtext of no need for high quality audio reproduction in your life is lost to all but we audio hobbyists and music lovers, I suppose.

I don’t really know why, but this ad really bugged me. I like the Yankees and the Red Sox. I like records. I like girls. I even like the iPod. Maybe it’s the representation of music lovers, record collectors, audiophiles as socially deficient pack rats. Are we really perceived by society as such?

Just a rant, I guess.

Bob R.
Hey man, Clemens is back. He is 44 years old, got a $28m contract and can not pitch the entire game....forget the TV ad man, we have bigger problems!

hey Tfkaudio i liked the way the Cardinals whiped the Tigers butts. i love dem red birds. baseball and rock and roll instead of the TV audio.
on the commercial i think like all else going on in todays world men and what we like does not fit into a woman's way of looking at things. we eater go along or we are out of the club. and i dont know why but we go along with it humm. i think its called p---y whiped, Bose has made its way just for that reason. small box speakers and a hidden base module.
i thought the room looked just fine the way it was.
vinyl their is no other. i-pod's are for sh-tz and giggles only .the nano is for girls so sayeth borat. go pistons