Pat Metheny Fans, Great Suggestions Please ??


I have Secret Story, We Live Here and Imaginary Day.

I know his styles vary from album to album, but I'm looking for some stuff that sounds great cranked-up or low-level, beautiful, involving and long-term (asking a lot)

The 30-60 second samples give a fraction of say, what a 14 minute song has, so it's kinda difficult to get a handle on the changing improvs.

I did like what I "managed" to hear from Pat Metheny Group with Mays, Egan and Gottlieb "San Lorenzo"
I was close friends with a guy who was working in a pressing factory in Phoenix,1978. Pat Metheny's first was being pressed in that factory. He just handed me a copy and said "check it out". Today, still it is my all time favorite. Title is Pat Metheny Group, Lyle Mays, Mark Egan, Don Gottlieb. All the others are great, the first is (I believe)out of this world. In fact, I think I'll put it on now.
2 not mentioned so far, "Letter from Home" and "The Road to You" (live). Both are "signature" Metheny recordings.

I first saw Pat and company at the McCarter (sp?) Theater in Princeton NJ when "As Falls Witchita..." came out. It was a magical show. (Check out solo stuff by Lyle Mays, too.)
Metheny has covered a lot of ground and a lot of styles, as you would expect from someone with such a long history and a well respected talent. I'll try to sum up the styles and best-of's within each period:

Primarily acoustic & "mood" jazz
- One Quiet Night
- Watercolors
- New Chautauqua
- Bright Size Life

Metheny Group (early &/or more acoustic)
- Pat Metheny Group
- Quartet

Metheny Group (more electric)
- The Way Up
- Offramp
- American Garage
- Imaginary Day
- We Live Here
- Letter From Home
- Speaking of Now
- Still Lift (Talking)

Metheny Solo & softer pairings
- Secret Story
- Reunion
- Beyond the Missouri Sky
- As Falls Whichita
- Jim Hall & ...

Metheny solo & more frenetic pairings
- I Can See Your House From Here
- 80/81
- Zero Tolerance for Silence

Thankyou all, lots of Metheny fans !!

I noticed *Import Gold CDs* on for about $20-$25, anyone have these ?
Check out "Images of Metheny" by Jason Vieux. Not by the man himself, but a phenomenal guitarist playing 13 of Metheny's top compositions. Good listening, Dave