Phillip Glass Fans

Hearing a radio program on NPR prompted a new interest in this composer....I am really captivated by his minimalistic style. Are there any fans out there who can recommend some recordings (CDs or LPs) I can start with? The only one I have so far is Glassworks, which consists of some of his compositions all performed on organ.
The Photographer
Einstein on the Beach

are all good places to start
The soundtrack "Northstar" (sometimes called "Etoile Polaire") was Glass' crossover breakthrough for rock fans. If you're coming at his music from that angle, this is a good start.

I saw his ensemble perform the piece live sometime in the '70s and took away one message:

Play this loud!

If you're not coming at this from a rock fan's perspective, Stvecham's choices are spot on-
Glassworks and the Photographer being the prettiest music (to my ear) and
Einstein being the most ambitious.



PS For a further rock music connection, Glass collaborated with the band Polyrock on their first LP. This is a great rock record that strongly echoes some of the themes heard on North Star.