Which stereo SACD's do you recommend?

I recently bought a Marantz 8001 here on A'gon, and am looking for SACD recommendations. Since the 8001 is a stereo only version, do I need to find stereo SACD's or will the multi-channel SACD's work just as well? Do all multi-channel SACD's also have a stereo SACD version on them? I don't plan on going multi-channel for my audio listening. I like jazz, classical, vocals, acoustic. I just bought the Dire Straits "Brothers in Arms" SACD and it has SACD multi-channel, SACD stereo (what I need) and plain ol' Redbook CD all on one disc. It sounds fantastic to me in SACD. What other SACD's would you recommend?
you didn't say what genres you prefer, but sticking with rock, Elton John "Madman Across the Water" is great.
Jorma Kaukonen "Blue Country Heart" is incredible musically and sonically, if you like acoustic guitar music.