worst 'long-lived' band

as opposed to the best short-lived. reunions count.
I positively love the Beatles, Stones, Zep, Dead, Dylan, Kinks and the Who. The Beatles imploded (having never made a bad record), Zep had tragedy ruin the band (so they also never really had a chance to hang around too long), Dylan's last 3 records have been killer great (so he still has the muse after all these years), the Kinks are really no longer active and the Who have just turned out a terrific record (and the tour is pretty darn good too).

So...this leaves us with the Dead and the Stones. I have a GREAT affection for both but both peaked in the late 60s to early 70s.

So...I'd say, seeing BOTH still tour (in the case of the Dead in one incarnation or another)that both have hung around a tad too long.
Gawdbless....you nailed it!

I am tired of bands getting by on what they did 20 years ago, those waste of time albums are squeezing out real and new talent...if an album sucks it sucks...... no matter how well you did 20 yrs agi you do not deserve a free pass.
And then there is Dylan, everytime this guy burps near a microphone it is reviewed as genous, and many fall for it.
I will add Rod Stewart, but I hear his albums are doing very well in Nursing Homes.