Inner wax writings

I have often noticed "Masterdisk" imprint around dead wax...some impressions appear handwritten and some typographical. Any informed theory/knowledge/reference would be greatly appreciated.
Bill, I totally agree on the Floyd, but have not heard the DMM or German quad releases. How does the German quad compare to the regular German issue. Or, do you have your SQ decoder out?

Would demur on the Yes though, owning both original US and UK pressings and still prefering the MoFi for inner detail and a kind of liquid quality. But then again, the guys tell me that I can't hear worth a crap. Sounds like I need to find a Japanese pressing of this one though.
I remeber as kid reading all kinds of messages in the last groove. Turn me over, play me again, comes to mind. Some were more personal. I forgot about these little notes until now. You can bet I'm gonna check my records when I get home tonight.
>>all kinds of messages in the last groove<<

It's fun to look for this stuff. One of my favorites is on original pressings of Led Zeppelin III. In the deadwax of side 1 is "Do What Thou Wilt" and side 2 "So Mote Be It".

These are phrases from a work by Aleister Crowley who is greatly admired by Page; he has a huge collection of Crowley's manuscripts, artwork, and memorabilia.

At one time he owned one of Crowley's homes in Scotland.
Refer to Michael fremer's article on stereophile 8/06 article page34 about some info on inner wax writings mean. Happy listening