Anyone heard a K2 HD CD yet?

Sounds promising! What's the verdict so far?

HDCD (high definition compatible digital) is a process developed by Pacific Microsonics. It has been around for a while and involves CDs and CDPs. It's possible that a K2 cd could be HDCD encoded.

K2 HD is a separate and relatively newer process developed by JVC. I believe it is related to XRCD, XRCD2 and XRCD24 technology. The K2 HD CDs have only recently hit the market. I'm trying to determine their sound quality.

I admit the similarity of the monikers is a bit confusing.
Hi Rja, the K2 HD is a Victor Entertainment-developed mastering process that produces master discs for use by pressing plants around the world. XRCD is an in-house disc mastering and manufacturing process, the mastering technique of which is not related to that of the K2 HD.

The following excerpt is written by Mr. Winston Ma of First Impression Music, taken directly from the review on the FIM K2 HD disc, "This is K2 HD Sound!":

"K2 HD is an entirely new mastering system developed by the K2 team for Victor Entertainment, a separate JVC company from JVC Mastering Center in Yokohama, which produces the XRCD. Though both are a part of the larger JVC Company of Japan, Victor Entertainment and JVC Mastering Center operate independently of each other.

In a nutshell, XRCD/XRCD24 is a product which is mastered by a special processor system and the glass master is cut by special XRCD laser cutter in the XRCD production line. On the other hand, K2 HD Mastering is primarily a superb and very special mastering technology. What it produces is first and foremost a K2 HD master disc (WAV file). It is not a product.

The K2 HD master disc can be used to produce K2 HD mastered CD’s by any pressing plant anywhere, provided the quality is assured.

In summary, K2 HD is not XRCD/XRCD24. It is K2 HD mastered discs."

Hope this helps.

Thanks Constantine,
I see 2 Japanese K2 HD CDs of interest, an Emerson, Lake and Palmer greatest hits CD and a John Coltrane CD. I'll check one or both out.
Hi Rja, just got a Press Release from FIM:

"the second K2 HD album will be Flamenco LIM K2 HD 022 which will be available in the third week of October, 2007."

Since FIM is the first label to release K2 HD discs in the U.S., I'd recommend interested Audiogoners to go to the FIM site and sign up for future Newsletters.
I purchased the FIM K2HD sampler and also a Japanese K2HD import of Paul Butterfield's Better Days, a wonderful record I have enjoyed on vinyl since its release. I'm not yet ready to render a verdict on these discs, but wish I had not bought the FIM sampler. There are a couple of excerpts from the Reference Recordings catalog, but most of the rest of the sampler is pretty dreadful musically. Typical of FIM as far as I am concerned, but it really just reflects their musical tastes, which are not mine.