Anyone heard a K2 HD CD yet?

Sounds promising! What's the verdict so far?
New techniques that have potential to improve redbook sonics is always exciting. On paper it all sounds promising. Unfortunately the promise can turn to disappointment quickly.
i own the k2 hd sampler. i compared the sampler to 4 "originals", including the symphonic dances, carmen suite xcpts, 4 seasons and the pachelbel. as preference for sound is subjective i decided to allow 3 of my audio buddies to sit with me as i did the a/b tests. the k2 hd was preferred for the pachelbel, but not for the other three selections.

as has been the case before, the superiority of one recording technique is disc dependent.
hi drubin:

the issues of tonality and dimensionality are the factors that were used to compare the k2 hd sampler to the "originals". i found in 3 out of 4 cases that the "originals" presented a less digital and more full-bodied sound. in the 4th case, the pachelbel, the k2 hd was more dimensional and had more body.
Just got copy of K2 CD sampler from my friend, first impression-sounds strange, by the way XRCD sound WAY TO MUCH to my ears on hi-res. system such as Quested 410 mastering monitors, Bryston 4B-SST and Cary CD 303/300.