Your favorite classical/flamengo guitar CDs

What are your favorite classical/flamengo guitar CDs that can impress untrained ears? The type of music I am looking for are similar to those of Jesse Cook, Chris Spheeris. And duo guitars as well. Thanks.
pepe reomero and carlos montoya please no generics(paco delucas)they are the best sorry not johon williams.We are talking spanish not interperetations.
Flamenco: Pepe Romero, "Flamenco", on First Impression Music LIMK2HD022; yes you read that correct one of the first K2HD CDs.

Classical: Duo Favori, "The Well-Tempered Guitars", Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco 24 Preludes and Fugues for 2 Guitars op. 199, on Tacet 141

Wulfin Lieske, "What About This, Mr. Tárrega?", works by Bach, Albéniz, Tárrega and others, on Tacet 65; Lieske plays and compares 7 different classical guitars built between 1856 and 1958, a must for classical guitar buffs.