Springsteen's "Magic" on vinyl, opinions?

After hearing Bruce's new one, Magic, I'm in the camp of listeners who thinks this is a great return to classic form. But the compressed, squashed production is awful! I can't imagine what Brendan O'Brien was thinking when he mixed this sonic sludge. Is the vinyl any better sounding than the cd version?
Seeger Sessions sounds good, not great. Far more listenable than "Magic", however.
I agree. None of Bruce's albums sound very good. It's a shame, because his music is exquisite.

Just weighing with my concurrence that Magic sounds bad. I'm a huge fan, and "big" audiophile. It's a shame, as I know I would enjoy the music a lot more if the sound were better. I also agree re the sound of many of Bruce's releases, including Seeger being good but not great. Magic easily stands out as one of the worst, however.