Feds to audiophiles: You're all pirates now

Feds to audiophiles: You're all pirates now!
Last week, Congress passed a bill aimed at increasing penalties and for sharing mp3s. Meanwhile, outraged audiophiles argue the interpretation of this vague 69-page bill.
It is obvious to me that greed is destroying the music industry. When I was a young man many years ago me and my friends exchanged albums all the time. Now sharing music is a crime punishable by excessive fines and more.
I do not want to take money out of the artist pocket but I think sharing mp3's helps spread the artist word and creates the buzz that musicians need to get their product out there.
Is it just me or was life was much simpler in the seventies.
Be a pirate! So what?
Criminals are humans too.
The corporate executives at Enron, the traders who made millions off Californias staged brownouts, Hey, they all are STILL RICH AS HELL!!
Do you Speed when driving? even a teeny tiny bit? CRIMINAL!!
What we have done is dilute the word until we are ALL CRIMINALS ,no matter what. YOU TOO!! Did you park a few minutes over at that parking meter and NOT pay? CRIMINAL!!!
I second Dcstep's opinion.Let the feds go after mp3 listeners and maybe eventually push them into high-end audio.