Kaki King female guitar goddess?

Kaki King played the guitar on several of the cuts on for the movie "August Rush". I'm very impressed with her style. If you've seen the movie it was her 'hands" that played the guitar solos for Freddie Highmore. At any rate, I can't seem to get her guitar work out of my head. According to Wikpedia, "King's style combines fret-tapping with slap bass techniques, using the guitar for percussional beats, as well as sound layering and looping, which creates a percussive and complex sound." I would concur, I've never heard or seen anyone play the guitar like this.
At any rate, I was wondering if any one has purchased any of her CDs, and if so would welcome comments about the recording quality? She has recorded 3 CDs, they are: Until We Felt Red, Everybody Loves You, Legs to Make Us Longer. Does anyone have experience with her music and can make recommendations?
She was named the by Rolling Stone as the "First Female Guitar God" and has was nominated for a Golden Globe for best original score.
If you haven't heard her music, you should check for her selections on August Rush, especially the cut called " Bari Improv", which she composed and is featured on the August Rush website. http://augustrushmovie.warnerbros.com/
I've got her "Legs To Make Us Longer," it's a great disc. Recording quality is crisp, modern, and very competent. I read an interview with her in Acoustic Guitar magazine and she talked at length about the care she and her producer took miking the guitars and room. She's a drummer converted to guitarist and that background is very apparent in her percussive style. You're right, she's very unique and talented, a most welcome addition to the new generation of guitar players.
I for one do not like this movement of slapping the guitar. The last few years has seen a rash of these guys/gals rehashing what Michael Hedges did 20 years ago just not as good. Guess I'm weird like that.
She's awesome and in demand by many seasoned musicians to spice up their sound. I have all her CD's and have seen her in concert. I was sleepy when it started after sitting through two opening acts. One minute into the first song every mouth was hanging open in awe. It was after her latest solo release so there was much more than fret-tapping going on. Great backup players, too. I've seen Kottke, Smither, Santana (in the 70's), solo Springsteen acoustic (didn't know Bruce could play like that!), and others. Kaki's playing was by far the most creative, bold, original and I'm positive that any of those guys would've enjoyed it as much as I did if they'd seen it. All this from a five foot tall hundred pound package. Her show was so good I wanted to hug her afterwards but settled for a handshake instead. Don't miss an opportunity to see her.
One of the best cuts on the Mississippi Studios 2004 live compilation CD is Kaki King featured at the bottom of this page.
