Which channel gets the vocals on Nowhere Man?

This question is directed mostly to Beatles fans out there, but anyone can join in. The other day I was listening to the radio in my car when the DJ played Nowhere Man. Well the vocals began "He's a real Nowhere Man sitting in his Nowhere land" came out of the left channel while the music was in the right channel. When I got home, I put on Rubber Soul and when I played Nowhere Man, it was the opposite, the vocals came out of the right channel and the music came out of the left channel. In your experience, should the vocals be in the right channel or the left channel?
Right channel.

However there is a wonderful remix of "Nowhere Man" on the Capitol Yellow Submarine compact disc released in 1999.

The vocals, thank goodness, are nicely balanced between both channels and sound much better than the hack job from Yesterday and Today aka the "Butcher Album" (Capitol T2553, 1966).
Hi Cyclonicman

Since it appears from the responses that things were reversed in your car, the question now is whether the radio station or your car system is wired incorrectly.
Much easier to correct if it's at your end.

Bill, I already performed that investigation and I have had this occur in 2 different cars and only noticed it because I am a huge Beatles fan and am so familiar with their music. The strange thing is that when I play the Rubber Soul CD in the car, vocals are correctly placed in the right channel. I thought it was odd that the radios were incorrectly hooked up (factory installation) in both of my cars and so I actually emailed the radio station in NY, 104.3 FM, and presented them with my observation. I never heard back from them, probably thought I was some jackass.